East Arlington Federated Churche
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Seasons at the Federated Church of East Arlington.  Join us for Sunday worship at 10:00 a.m. as well as continuing live on Zoom.

Welcome to the Federated Church of East Arlington

We at the Federated Church of East Arlington are so glad you have found us!  Ours is a community of seekers, believers and questioners and we have plenty of room for you to come and explore what it means to be church, even if this is all new to you.  We are a church invested in exploring how we can best serve God and our neighbors.  We are in relationship with the United Church of Christ (UCC) and the United Methodist Church (UMC) and yet we are most responsive to how God is calling us to be our best selves.  We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. or at any of the many ways in which we are a part of lifting up our community and those in need locally and globally. Welcome!


“We, the members of the Federated Church of East Arlington, declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming and Reconciling congregation. With God’s help, we include all persons in our fellowship, embracing and celebrating differences of gender identity, marital status, age, mental and physical ability, and sexual orientation, as well as racial, ethnic and socio-economic background. We welcome into our community everyone who seeks to share in the work and worship of the church of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Looking for a space for your next small group meeting? Contact the church office and check availability here in East Arlington!

Scholarship Information

Submit a Prayer Request

Read/Listen to the latest Sermon

Check out our recent Newsletter and this month’s Calendar

Midweek Prayer

Midweek Prayer

Dear Lord, You are the author of all that is known and unknown. We ask that what knowledge you have given to us be transformed into wisdom. May your Divine Intelligence guide us and your Divine Love fill us. Amen.


Midweek prayer

Midweek prayer:

Dear Lord,

We give you thanks for the life, love and healing that you offer to us without limit. We give thanks for the many people, past and present, who have demonstrated Your loving, healing and life giving spirit through their service to help others. We ask you to watch over all those who seek to help others, that You protect them and guide them and comfort them when the burdens of care weigh heavy on them. Bless them, and bless us all that we may serve one another as the Light of the World taught us. Amen.

Midweek Prayer

We find ourselves in the season of abundance – excess zucchini secretly left on porches, hydrangea bushes so full that the flowers can’t help but touch the ground, huge watermelons inviting seed-spitting contests. Help us share in the bounty that we have so much of, Generous God. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to respond to those around us. Summer is ours to dwell in fully and with compassion. In your grace-filled name, we pray. Amen.

Midweek Prayer

We’ve been enjoying some beautiful days, Holy One. Days of sunshine after so much rain and cool evenings, ideal for good sleeping. Let us not take any of it for granted. Instead, may we be filled with gratitude for this gift, and may we use this time to enjoy what we have. And let us remember days and nights like these when the inevitable extreme heat and cold challenge us. You are with us through it all, Creator God. May we be a blessing to you and your world. Amen.

Midweek prayer

At this midpoint of summer for those of your children in the Northern Hemisphere that is upon us, Gracious God, we recognize how much of your creation there is to enjoy. We don’t want to miss the chance to eat of such treats as fresh corn on the cob or plump and juicy tomatoes. We want to hold onto the moments of wonder that are ours to behold like a starry night filled with the sight of fireflies and the sound of crickets. There are so many colors and textures and smells and tastes and sounds to treasure. Help us live each day well, Almighty One and continue to keep us forever filled with thanksgiving. It is in the blessing that is you, God, that we pray. Amen.

Midweek prayer

Summer is heating up here in our part of the world and all that warmth brings a heightened awareness of all your non-human creatures and growing things that are all around us, Almighty One. From the mosquito whose bite we try to avoid to the trees heavy with an abundance of green to the rabbits gnawing on clover to berry plants bursting with goodness, we offer our praise and thanksgiving. Make us good stewards of the majesty that surrounds us. Keep us humble in our sharing of your earth. In your gracious name, we pray. Amen.



Sunday, 8/4/24

9:00am Choir Rehearsal
10:00am- Worship Service
10:15am- Sunday School
11:00am- Fellowship/coffee time

Tuesday, 8/6
12:00pm-Senior Meals

Thursday, 8/8
12:00pm-Senior Meals





Next Week
Sunday, 8/11/24

9am- Choir Rehearsal
10:00am- Worship Service
10;15am – Sunday School
11:00am- Fellowship/coffee time

Tuesday 8/13
12:00pm-Senior Meals

Thursday 8/15
12:00pm-Senior Meals






Join on Zoom, Gnat-tv or stream:


Join Zoom Meeting: (for Sunday morning worship)


The other option if you don’t have strong WiFi or have a poor connection is to phone in at 1-646-876-9923 and you will be asked for the Meeting ID and you should enter 89119439251# (be sure to enter the # sign) and you will be connected.

Our worship services will be aired on GNAT tv channel 16 and 1094: Sundays at 9:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. and Wednesdays 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  These times are our allotted times every week.







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