East Arlington Federated Churche
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Sermon 6/25/23

Matthew 10:24-39 “Value” June 25, 2023 Every Sunday we end Worship with me extending these heartfelt words May the peace of God be with you always and you all accept this wish and extend it back to me with And also with you. What comes after that are nods, handshakes,...

Sermon 7/2/23

Matthew 10:40-42 “The Welcome Mat” July 2, 2023 Communion Sunday This is just what I needed to hear this week to get over myself. “Whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one these little one in the name of a disciple.” We moved into our new home on Monday, and it...

Midweek prayer

Summer is heating up here in our part of the world and all that warmth brings a heightened awareness of all your non-human creatures and growing things that are all around us, Almighty One. From the mosquito whose bite we try to avoid to the trees heavy with an...

Midweek Prayer

Summer has officially arrived and with it all of the beauty and a different feel to life, Most Holy One. Lush greenness everywhere we turn, the juice of plump and sweet berries on our chins, the smell of peonies filling the air, and the warm breezes blowing through...

sermon 6/11/2023

Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 “Going Viral” June 11, 2023 What was once used to refer to the spreading of a disease has taken on a new meaning – it still spreads and some might think of it as having the potential to be as hurtful, just in a different way, as COVID or Measles....