East Arlington Federated Churche
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Olavi Wirkki, Chair
The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Church members and Church Council. She/He shall be an ex-officio member of all Teams and Ad-Hoc Committees.  She/He shall be selected from the Church membership.


Olavi Wirkki, Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies as directed by the proper officers of the Church.  She/He shall keep a complete record thereof in suitable books, and submit a report to meetings of the Council and to the members of the Church at the Annual Meeting.  Her/His books shall be audited by the Financial Team quarterly and by an outside financial service no less than every four years.

Sandy Grover, Missions and Outreach Team
The Leader of each Team will oversee the duties of their team, attend each Council meeting, and report on the actions of his/her team.  Missions is responsible for managing special benevolent projets and the solicitation and disbursment of funds for specific needs.


Alyson Grzyb, Finance Team
The Leader of each Team will oversee duties of their team, attend each Council meeting, and report on the actions of his/her team.  The Financial team is responsible for quarterly in-house audits of the Treasurer’s bookkeeping and the soliciting of an outside financial review on a regular basis occurring not less the once every four years.

Ed Coy, Buildings an Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds team is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and management for all properties owned by the church, including both repairs, day to day operations, and preventive measures.
The Leader of the Team will oversee the duties of their team, attend each Council meeting, and report on the actions of his/her team.

Tammy Lang, Education Team
The Education team is responsible for organizing Sunday School and other child-related activities, such as Advent Workshop, Christmas Pageant, and /or Vacation Bible School, as well as Adult Education activities.
The Leader of the Team will oversee the duties of their team, attend each Council meeting, and report on the actions of his/her team.

David Moore, Worship and Ministry

The Leader of the Team will oversee the duties of their team, attend each Council meetings, and report on the actions of his/her team.
Worship and Ministry is responsible for arranging the necessary components of the worship service and soliciting feedback from the members regarding the church and pastoral relations.